Garima Gupta
Saaii College of Medical Science and Technology, India
Title: Impact of osteoarthritis on balance, perceived fear of fall and quality of life
Biography: Garima Gupta
Background: Osteoarthritis is the commonest form of joint disease. Reviews suggest presence of balance deficits in osteoarthritic population but in most of the studies expensive force platform, or balance master were used . In the present study we aimed to study the impact of knee OA on balance using cost effective “postural sway-meter”. Present study also aimed to study the coreleation of severity of knee disabilities with perceived fear of fall, previous number of falls and quality of life in OA population. We also aimed to study the affect of balance deficits on quality of life. Methods: 60 people of 50-70 years were taken. Assessment of postural sway was done by sway-meter, quality of life by arthritis impact measurement scale 2 short form, severity of OA by osteoarthritis index of severity and perceived fear of fall by fall efficacy scale was done. Results: The result of the unpaired ‘t’ test analysis showed that people with OA have significant balance deficits when compared to the control group under both eyes open and closed on floor condition. Degrees of knee disability have significant impact on fear of fall and quality of life. Balance deficits have significant impact on patient’s quality of life and their perceived fear of fall. Conclusion: While attending patients with osteoarthritis possible balance deficits should be kept in mind and equal importance should be given to the patient’s fear of fall, quality of life and their severity of knee osteoarthritis