Biography: Eran Maman
The treatment of full-thickness massiverotator cuff tears (MRCT) is challenging and associated with a high treatment failure and re-tear rate.As there is no current consensus or definitive guidelines concerning the treatment of this devastating condition, there is a need to evaluate potential alternatives for this patient’s population.The InSpace™ device is a novell treatment modality of an inflatable biodegradable implant, made of a copolymer of Poly Lactic acid and Caprolactonethat degrades within12 months.The spacer is deployed arthroscopically into the sub-acromial space and allows smooth gliding of the humeral head against theacromion. The temporary lowering of the humeral head during spacer inflation in patients with full thickness massive RCTsmay additionally provide improved balance between the subscapularis anteriorly and the infraspinatus posteriorly, permitting better deltoid activation and compensation. The device is approved for use in the EU (since July 2010) and has been tested in several clinical trials as well as implanted in over 4000 commercial cases. The gained clinical experience showed low risk and good safety profile along with a promising effectiveness results, which includesclinically and statistically significant improvementin shoulder functionality, that maintained for a long term (of up to 5 years) in the majority of the treated patients. The use of the InSpace device may be a simple and less invasive alternative that has the potential to provide comparable safety and effectiveness profile to otheravailable surgical options such as arthroscopic partial repair, tendon transfer rotator cuff allograft or arthroplasty.