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Jose Miguel Gomez T

Jose Miguel Gomez T

University of Minesotta, USA

Title: Comparison of treatment for idiopathic scoliosis based on 2D radiographic analysis and the GOSS system


Biography: Jose Miguel Gomez T


Scoliosis is a spinal curve that has more than ten degrees on the coronal plane, with a rotational component. This means scoliosis is a three dimensional deformity. To start treating a patient, the first thing needed to acknowledge is that the treatment will be done on a person, who is concerned, and is putting their health on the hands of clinicians. The treatment has to incorporate the whole patient, not the spine only. The Gomez Orthotic Spine System is a clinical protocol which measures the patient and treats them with a conservative method used for spinal deformities. The measurements, photos, and x-rays evaluated are used all in analyzing and designing the three dimensional mold. This article will demonstrate the efficacy of the system’s implementation with a single clinical case. It will focus heavily on alignment, balance, and increasing the patients stability by using the center line of each corporal plane