Oslei de Matos
Federal Technological University of Parana, Brazil
Title: Influence of sleep disorders on body composition in women with Fibromyalgia
Biography: Oslei de Matos
Background: The main objective of this research is relation between sleep disturbance and body composition in women with fibromyalgia. This study used DXA to body composition and Pittsburgh sleep quality index to analyze the sleep quality. This research showed that sample has presence of sleep disturbance with low quality of life, moderate pain. These data showed the relation with excess of fat mass and calories intake. The polysomnography it use to analyze the quality of sleep and to DXA body composition. These data define at what stage of sleep is most affected and the physiological consequences entailed by such phases. Through this analysis correlates with memory loss and alteration of muscle and a greater tendency to fatness components. The main causes of sleep apnea and hypopnea refer to central adiposity, and this will be reviewed after bariatric surgery and improving the quality of sleep after. Other resources used for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia are the Thermography and digital photography. The main objective is the correlation of the pain points with the thermographic analysis of the regions of greatest cellular activity of women with fibromyalgia. The standard are used for the analysis of generalized pain, pain intensity, and quality of life. As the obesity has relation with fibromyalgia, the nutritional assessment it is essential for control of confounding variables in the disease, as well as adaptation to diet for likely improvement of metabolism with increase of antioxidant capacity and facilitation of sleep regulation. All these data are shared with specialized team medical to pharmacological adaptation.